I'll be using this blog as a place to capture this design that has taken shape over the last few weeks. The purpose here is to document where it came from, why it's relevant and useful, and how you might use it yourself or spread it out into the…

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From this article in The Atlantic.

"The truth is that there is little credible evidence of…

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DC circuit for automotive application

I am building a vehicle called BIKAR(TM), a three wheel vehicle for one person (reverse trike) powered by a motorcycle engine.  To add reverse, I have built a…

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Of course. Yeah, absolutely. Definitely. Why not?  All answers you can expect from your local hobbyist inventor (and possibly yourself) when asked if anyone is sitting by the (smart)phone waiting for their latest, greatest product.  But…

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MTBF calculations and statistics in many circumstances can be a waste of your time. Even more often, they can be misleading. There is a great example of MTBF (failure rate) being a waste of time in the article…

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