Is it immature that I giggled like a schoolgirl upon seeing "MASTER MEMBER" on my picture. I mean, its true but did you have to let the entire Engineering community know?
Is there a way to send you a message, or do I just send comments? I'd like to send you a couple of screenshots from the site, and don't know how you want me to do that.
Master Member
Is it immature that I giggled like a schoolgirl upon seeing "MASTER MEMBER" on my picture. I mean, its true but did you have to let the entire Engineering community know?
Hey Rich,
This site looks interesting. Doing some testing to see if I can find some bugs. Shall keep you informed.
- Arpitha
Hi Eric,
Still working on a messaging module, so you can just email me at
You can also try posting them in the beta feedback forum, which is good testing for the forums.
Is there a way to send you a message, or do I just send comments? I'd like to send you a couple of screenshots from the site, and don't know how you want me to do that.
Master Member
I don't know if they are happy or sad, but they are always well fluffed. Er, I mean fluffy.