example hello world (1)

  • Admin

    The ELFS site is on the way.

    Well, I've never been much of a blogger. I've never been much of an astronaut, either. I feel equally unqualified for both positions. I do have some experience writing things for various reasons, both promotional and technical, and sometimes with lots of crossover. But usually, not so much.

    But in the effort to keep some content flowing on the site, I will try and pick some interesting topics, hopefully scammed from your interesting forum posts so I don't really have to work hard at thinking of said topics. Or maybe I'll use the random Wikipedia feature and just blog about the rare flowers of Nepal or bee sting allergies or when the first mutation of the gene that makes folks blonde happened.  But probably not.

    Either way, there could...or could not...be some interesting stuff here eventually. So keep a look out.


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