I don’t know about you, but I still enjoy the tangible feeling of a book in my hands, flipping through the pleasantly static-clung pages, using the index over and over until it’s practically memorized. So here are some great sources on the web to get everything from Fundamentals of Calculus to more specific texts in your discipline (or another).
http://www.amazon.com/Engineering-Professional-Technical-Books/b?ie=UTF8&node=173515 - Amazon.com has an insane selection of great used and new enginering books. Start at this link and dig in. If you’re looking for something specific, you’re almost sure to find it, and if you’re just looking to browse, it’s great for that, too.
http://www.biblio.com/bookstores/engineering/768 - A great index of bookshops specializing in enginering texts. A great place to find a brick and mortar shop local to you that might be worth a visit, or to hunt down a particular rare gem that you’ve been looking for.
http://www.ebooks.com/subjects/academic/engineering/ - Out of print is the specialty here, so if you can’t find it anywhere else, try this one.
http://www.powells.com/section/textbooks/ - More generalist in content, but much more fun to browse than the previously mentioned sites. Lots of used titles as well as new, and a fun book browsing experience.
http://www.ecampus.com - Specializing more in undergrad texts required for your courses, but has some other more obscure stuff if you’re persistant!